Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Six Nations District Numeracy Committee Meeting Minutes Wednesday, March 2nd, 2011

Six Nations District Numeracy Committee Meeting Minutes

Wed., Mar. 2/2011, 2:30- 4:00 pm

District Teacher Room, J.C. Hill School

In attendance: Alice Anderson, Tammy Claus, Marlene Martin, Joe Restoule General, Carrie Froman (late)

Absent: Deb Hill, Luanne Martin, Anne Noyes, Jessi Skye

  1. Call to order and agenda approved.

  2. Minutes from last meeting already approved.

  3. Business arising out of the previous minutes

Status of District Numeracy plan-District Numeracy Teacher followed the procedure set forth by the Numeracy Committee; responses from PAC were unanimously positive; Plan is now final and to be rolled out to Six Nations staff; two hard copies given to each teacher, digital versions as well; presentations on the plan to occur at each school by DNT along w/NC member; suggestion of a book with all district plans (most current, most recent) stationed at each school and consistent from school to school –possibly along with all other necessary and important forms

Status of invitation to Sumona Roy-Sumona agreed to present at the meeting; unfortunately there was a mix-up and she is scheduled to present at the April meeting

Super Source CD-ROM: Does NOT need CD to function-encourage teachers to load this on work and home computers; request was submitted in June 2010 to District Technology Teacher, Superintendent and Computer Support personnel to set up a number of Math software titles on the INAC server so ALL teachers have the programs automatically on their computer; follow up inquiry occurred in September 2010

PD days and times survey-committee reviewed the changes to the survey and approved the survey; next step is to share the survey with PAC before administering the survey to staff; comment was made regarding the 1 hour time length; suggestion that some PD, especially hands on workshops, may need approx. 2 hours; also discussed the CILM (Collaborative Inquiry Learning Model) or co-teaching approach to PD as well as the importance of follow up sessions that ensures sustainability in PD; this would hopefully assist teachers for whom after school PD is impossible due to parental commitments; possibly using OMSK’s PLC model to hold PD during the day

Functions of the committee-discussion on this item had occurred on the Six Nations Numeracy Committee wikispace; internet access was down so this discussion was unable to take place but will continue in the on-line forum

Report Card comments-suggestion about using the GEDSB math alignment document to ensure that long range plans are more reflective of new reporting process; comment re: progress report date and moving it closer to open house—parents seem to want to know then how their children are doing; comment about parent interview day being too late this year; suggestion that we have open house even sooner and/or interviews @ progress report time; suggestion to minimize subject focus on progress report; Numeracy committee members to share these items with their school calendar committee member and administration

Assessment Data Collection Practices-Tammy Claus shared an example of anecdotal collecting; uses different ink colours to distinguish dates of assessing; each child has a page with multiple boxes for each subject to write anecdotes; uses pink and green hi-lighters for strengths/next steps; Alice Anderson shared that she writes down what the child says orally; Joe Restoule General shared comment framework MISA document; several committee members stated that stretch your thinking in Math Makes Sense is a good section of the text to be using

Six Nations Numeracy Committee wikispace-due to internet access being down, review of this resource did not take place;

4. New Business:

PD Committee request: input on draft plan-NC reviewed, suggested PD occur on the Big Ideas in Mathematics; Marian Small’s resource was shared; NC agreed it would be great if all staff received the grade appropriate text; Suggestion that schools do NOT buy text books in advance of curriculum reform, and the impact of technological advancements in the schools; a Big Idea “list” to be compiled and added to the Numeracy Desk Book by committee

Working session on Desk Book items-NC spoke about more items to include in the desk book, and to continue to add to it through the wikispace and LiveBinder

OAME 2011: Put Math on the Map-Conference flyer shared with each school’s committee member

5. Meeting adjourned at 4:00 pm.

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