Friday, August 30, 2013

Moment of Transition

Hello faithful readers and purveyors of this blog!  I appreciate the comments and kind words concerning this site and its support as a resource for teachers and students.  I'm currently deciding whether to continue on updating this blog or migrating elsewhere now that I am no longer in the Six Nations District Numeracy Teacher position.

Rest assured, I do not plan to wipe this blog off the interwebs, but may open up a new url/blog/address that more accurately fits my interests as an OCT professional.  These include current math initiatives and progressive practice, the effective and fluid use of technology for education for the 21st Century (not old models on new devices), and cultural topics relating to First Nations, Social Justice and Equity.  You may find the odd topic outside of these areas, but that's what I plan to continue sharing in the future.

If you have an ideas or comments that may help inform the future of my digital presence, please leave a comment below.  In the meantime, this blog is about to go dark with few if any updates until a decision is made.


  1. best wishes with your new posting. i'm hoping this blog stays online because i would like to take the time to explore it a little more and share some of its features with teachers at my school and with my son. as for a new blog....go for it. i'm sure it will be useful, engaging and a wealth of information. great work ! karl/ LSK

    1. Meegwetch, Karl. I appreciate your words and show of support. It's always nice when someone takes the time to post a comment and even better when it is so kind and supportive. Thanks for visiting and sharing the blog!
