Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Six Nations District Numeracy Committee Meeting Minutes Wednesday, October 27th, 2010

Six Nations District Numeracy Committee Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, October 27th, 2010

District Teacher Room, J.C.Hill School

12:30 p.m ‑ 4:00 p.m.

In attendance: Joe Restoule General, Marlene Martin, Tammy Clause, Jessi Skye, Alice Anderson, Luanne Martin, Anne Noyes, Carrie Froman (late)

1. The positions (co‑chair and secretary) were nominated and selected for 2010/2011 school year. The positions are as follows: Co‑chair ‑ Marlene Martin, Secretary ‑ Jessi Skye/Luanne Martin alternating every other month

2. Terms of Reference were discussed. A motion was set to finalize the terms of reference at next PAC meeting. Mr. Restoule General typed up the purpose of the committee, Responsibilities of the Committee, and Recommendation Procedures. It was recommended by the committee for the Numeracy District Teacher to attend all PAC meetings to provide a brief Numeracy Committee update to keep all principals informed.

Functions of the District Numeracy Committee:

*Focus of the NC – Improvement of student achievement through improvement to classroom math experiences (includes using the Mathematical Processes, using manipulatives)

*Using assessment data for, of and as learning

*develop PLCs at each school according to school needs

* ensure connection w/PD committee

*generate teacher resources such as a user’s guide

*desk book example, added on to with additional topics (3 part lesson; Big Ideas, scopes of sequence)

*adjust DNP (District Numeracy Plan) to meet new template of SSP (School Success Plan)

Responsibilities of Numeracy Committee:

*Get District Numeracy Plan approved and sent to PAC for Nov. 9th

*complete final draft of minutes within 1 week of the NC meeting

*2 days for the first draft (sent to all NC members); 2 days for revisions (from NC members) in advance of sending to DNT

*DNT share minutes with Ps and VPs and NC (Ps and VPs would share minutes w/ALL staff (electronically/hard copy)

*report back to staff at the next scheduled staff meeting

*co‑chairs sign by next NC meeting

*targeted information sessions as need be (priority items)

Recommendation Procedure

*recommendation that DNT attend each PAC to present a monthly update/recommendations/reviews and field/respond to questions and/or concerns

*in the event of closed/cancelled PAC an e‑mail to all Ps and VPs from DNT for any time sensitive items

*Numeracy committee NOT to share items with general staff until P and VPs see it first

3. Approval of minutes was agreed by last year committee members (L.Martin, A.Anderson, J.Restoule General).

4. A review of the District Numeracy Plan was made. Changes were made by the committee. A new draft will be sent out via email by J.Restoule General. A motion was set to finalize the Plan at next PAC meeting.

5. Meeting adjourned

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