Monday, January 4, 2010

Brain Pop Your Mathville Gizmo Net ONAP!

By now your free trial of Brain Pop will have ended. Please let me know how you used in your class and how the reaction was. This will allow me to either recommend purchasing a district license or individual school/class licenses. Leave a comment on this post or send me an e-mail or give me a call!

Secondly, all primary teachers should have access to the Mathville website, using the username and password provided by your numeracy rep. There is a link to the site on the side of this page. If you have any questions, please contact me. These licenses are purchased so it would be great if they were used to some extent. The Mathville one is covered under our agreement with OSAPAC.

For the grade seven and eight teachers, the GIZMO Explore Learning accounts are also up and running. Details were given to the numeracy reps at the last meeting, just before the break. Please feel free to use these ASAP. If you have any questions, again, please, please contact me. We are working on getting the grades 3 to 6 teachers their own accounts as well as some PD and training from the Explore Learning people.

Finally, i plan to be around to speak to respective staff about the two new Math Assessment tools we obtained through a SEED proposal. One is called Numeracy Nets and the other is ONAP (Ontario Numeracy Assessment Package). Teachers can begin using them right away, but we do plan to have some professional development to go with them. i am also available to co-implement them in the classroom by teacher request. Again, all you need to do is contact me.

Hope everyone had a restful break and are energized for the New Year!!

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