Wednesday, November 2, 2011

SNDNC October Meeting Minutes

Six Nations District Numeracy Committee
Meeting Notes   October 5, 2011.   2:30- 4:00
Present:  Joe Restoule General, Cathy Jamieson, Alice Anderson, Anne Noyes, Tammy Claus, Carrie Froman, Luanne Martin
Absent:  Deb Martin Abel, Judy McNaughton
1.  Reviewed NC Representation chart- Pam Beaver is Jamieson alternate.
Tammy Claus approached Janis Thomas (Native Language Rep), Alison Maracle (TEA rep), Betsy Buck- all three are pondering the notion of joining the committee.
Joe RG will ask Tom Deer (District Language & Culture Teacher) to attend meetings as needed.
2.  Goals/Areas of Focus for 2011- 2012
Using assessment data for, of and as learning
Share resources from each school to support PLCs
Ensure connection w/PD committee
Generate a Scope & Sequence/Cultural Link to Math Alignment document
Desk book example, added on to with additional topics (3 part lesson; Big Ideas, Scopes of Sequence)
Adjust DNP (District Numeracy Plan) to meet new template of SSP (School Success Plan)
Much discussion for Goal #4 to emphasize cultural link to math.  All members received a copy of the Traditional Knowledge Teaching Cycle.
Cathy Jamieson will present Terms of Reference to PAC at the next meeting.
New Business
3. Joe RG shared items from OMCA meeting, such as GAP Closing, Financial Literacy Scope and Sequence gr. 4-12 (see EduGAINS), MOE release of Proportional Reasoning K-12, Patterning and Algebra K-3 (see MathGAINS), also check out and  An updated version of Geometer’s Sketchpad (v. 5.02) is available for our district.
4. Scope and Sequence Document; discussion around this goal included identifying many resources to use as we create our own document, which will include the traditional teachings/cultural component.  Joe RG will send committee members the following documents: Scope and sequence/delivery plans for DSB of Niagara, Hamilton-Wentworth DSBoard, GEDSB, Combined Grades doc.   He also mentioned Math Makes Sense planning sequence, and Circle of Light Conference Placemat.
Teams were set to work on the Scope and Sequence Document:
Junior- Judy, Carrie, Joe
Primary-  Alice, Tammy
Intermediate- Anne, Luanne, Deb, Cathy
5.  FOR NEXT MEETING November 2, 2011 at 12:30 pm - All members to look over documents sent and bring all documents to District Teachers' Office for a working session.  We need to decide on a template to use.
BYOL-  Bring Your Own Lunch
Thanks for the Cinnabon treat, Mr. Restoule General.

Submitted by Luanne Martin   October 7, 2011.

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